A Florida massage therapy school providing a comprehensive education leading to certification and a wonderful career. Located only 30min from Clearwater or Tampa. |
Therapeutic Massage Program
600 Hours |
6 months on a 24 hour per week schedule. Financial Aid available to those that qualify. |
The Therapeutic Massage Program covers each of the subjects listed below, including specialized massage techniques, in both theory and practical work.
Anatomy and Physiology
Ethics and Law
First Aid and CPR
Massage Effects
Equipment and Products
Sanitation and Safety
Classification of Massage
Application of Massage
Massage Procedures
Face & Scalp Massage
- Hydrotherapy
Sports Massage
Neuromuscular Massage
Swedish Massage
Spa Techniques
Chair Massage
...and the many other massage modalities.

program is housed in the new Loraines Academy Spa, a separate facility next door to the main
school where massage and facial students have their own reception area, student
lounge, lockers, clinics and classrooms.
As instructors guide them, senior massage students gain valuable career
experience as they practice their skills on clients in a true Spa Environment
complete with soft lighting and spa music.
Massage Program Details and Outline
The theory portion consists of classroom lecture, demonstration, a variety of visual learning aids, and written assignments. The practical application takes place in both classroom and clinic environments. Approximately 50 hours/ services are completed on clients in the clinic with an Instructor's direction, supervision, and evaluation. This Program initiates students into the experiential process of being a professional massage therapist by integrating the scientific analysis of the body, and its systems with the creative, intuitive processes at work in massage therapy.
Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Kinesiology come alive. An in-depth study of the Musculoskeletal system is presented in ways easily understood. Hands-on applications of these principles link the mechanical functions to the sometimes indefinable results of bodywork.
Massage Therapy and Bodywork theories and assessments introduce the fundamentals through hands-on experience. The student will be exposed to and instructed in a wide variety of massage and body work therapies to empower the creation of an individual approach to healing. Hydrotherapy, Eastern Techniques, Sports Massage, Movement, Seated Massage and Neuromuscular Therapy techniques are presented and practiced providing students with the basics of these and other modalities and specializations.
Body Mechanics, Posture, and safe, effective ways of stretching and exercising are an integral part of this Program.
Business Management and Insurance Processing classes are a particularly popular part of the curriculum, as students explore career opportunities.
The Massage Clinic features private massage booths, as well as soft music and lighting, offering students the opportunity to practice in a professional environment with the supportive benefit of a closely supervising instructor
Orientation and Introduction to Therapeutic Massage
A. Scope of Practice
B. History, Culture, Context
C. Professional Massage Therapy (Law, Health, Equipment, Image)
D. The Client
E. Professional Ethics and Informed Referrals
F. Health and Well-Being of Therapist
Human Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology
A. Introduction & Relationship to Massage Therapy
B. Health and Wellness Model (Healing Mechanism of the Body)
C. Terminology
D. Structure of the Body
E. Function and Location of Organ Systems of the Body
F. Histology and Levels of Complexity
G. In-depth study of Musculoskeletal System
H. Origins, Insertions, and Actions of Muscles
I. Efficient and safe movement patterns
- (Range of Motion, Body Mechanics, Dynamic Posture.)
Pathology and Recognition of Various Conditions
A. Contra-Indications of Massage Therapy
B. Signs and Symptoms of Disease
C. Physiological Changes during Disease
D. Medical Terminology
E. Injuries
F. Disorders, Dysfunctions, and Conditions
G. Emotional States
H. H.I.V. / AIDS
I. C.P.R. and First Aid
Massage / Bodywork Theory and Assessment
A. The Client Interview and Assessment
B. Observation, Palpation, Endangerment Sites
C. Basic Theory and Massage Movements
D. Massage / Bodywork for soft tissue, fascia, and energy systems.
E. Stretching, Joint Mobilization
F. Postural Assessment
G. Specific Muscle Techniques
H. Athletic and Sports Massage
I. Neuromuscular Therapy
J. Specialized Massage / Bodywork Therapy
K. Eastern Theory
L. Energy Techniques
M. Massage in Nursing Homes and Other Health care Environment
N. H.I.V. Infected Individuals
O. Other Allied Modalities
Practical Application of Therapeutic Massage
A. Safety & Sanitary Practices and Procedures
B. Client Safety, Positioning, and Draping
C. Client Assessment and Intake
D. Therapist Posture and Body Mechanics
E. Therapeutic Relaxation Massage with varied clients
- (age, gender, body types)
F. Isolated Muscle Massage and Stretching
G. Athletic and Sports Massage
H. Neuromuscular Application
I. Specialized Massage and Bodywork Application
Related Methods and Techniques
A. Hydrotherapy Theory and Application
B. Therapeutic Exercise
C. Stress Management
Business Administration / Professional Practices
A. Insurance Administration
B. Office Management
C. Business Ethics
D. Basic Bookkeeping
E. Marketing
F. Business Law
G. Business Planning
Florida State Laws and Rules
- Florida Statutes Chapters 455 and 480
- Florida Administrative Code Chapter 61611
Evaluations / Completion (75% minimum grades accepted)
A. Written Tests and Assignments
B. Graded Practical Assignments
C. Graded Practical Applications
D. Notebook, Career Application, Resume
E. Required Specific Bodywork Applications
F. Satisfactory Academic Progress
G. Career Placement Service
H. Graduation Ceremony and Diplomas
LORAINES ACADEMY offers full-service training beyond the basics, including a large and active clinic for supervised experience with the public. Frequent professional seminars and demonstrations by guest artists are held. Our library features a full selection of videos, books, and current trade publications on every subject. We feature a large retail center with related product knowledge classes.
Therapeutic Massage:
Gainful Employment:
The United States Department of Education has required that any institution that provides programs that lead to “Gainful Employment in a Recognized Occupation” must provide certain information to prospective students, effective July 1, 2011. The rules require that a percentage be calculated for students who graduate within the "normal" time listed for the program...which amounts to full time or a minimum of 24 hours/week. This means that none of our night students are counted as successfully completing in "normal time," for instance...nor are students who need to ask for part time schedules or take leaves of absence in order to juggle family and job obligations.
Gainful Employment Information
Placement Rate Methodology
Placement is calculated by our Accrediting Agency (NACCAS) methodology as institutional reporting. The data is reported for students “scheduled to graduate” in a certain calendar year. Of those students who graduated, it is determined how many are eligible for placement. Of those, students may count as placed if documentation is obtained to prove they have become employed in a field for which their training prepared them, prior to the submission of the report. The exceptions are for those who are deceased, permanently disabled, deployed for military duty, studied under student visa and ineligible for employment in the US, or continuing their education at an institution under the same ownership.
Career Placement:
Our Career placement department and our instructors are interested in helping graduates find the position most suited for each of them. There is strong and growing demand by wellness centers, salons, chiropractors, hotels, health clubs and massage clinics. Massage therapists also work independently, going to clients' homes or offices as well as licensing their own massage establishments
Day classes meet 8:30-3:30 Monday thru Friday. Evening Classes meet 5:30-9:30 Monday thru Friday.
Housing is not provided by the school. There are plenty of apartments and rooms to rent nearby, with easy access to public transportation. We will be happy to assist out-of town students in their selection of a suitable place to stay.
The school admits as regular students:
- High School graduates
- Holders of GED's
- 17 Years of Age
- Therapeutic Massage students must be 18 or have a High School diploma or GED
Program Price - Go to: Therapeutic Massage Program Price
Therapeutic Massage Kit - Go to: Program Kit List
Class Dates: Call or e-mail us for day or evening dates.
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For personalized guidance and advice call:
Dr. Tina O’Daniels, Director of Admissions
(727) 347-4247 ext. 103
Toll Free: (888) 559-5570