A Florida esthetician school, skin care school, aesthetician school, specialty school and facial school located in St Petersburg, Florida and 30 min from Clearwater or Tampa. |
Clinical Skin Care
Become a Facial Specialist or Clinical
Esthetician. |
6 months on a 24
hour per week schedule. |
This new Program includes all elements of our 300 hour “Facial Specialist” Program, and much more, as you’ll see below.
- This program features small theory, demo and practical classes along with lots of experience on real clients. Salons, medical offices and day spas are seeking facial professionals with these skills. A minimum of three hundred (300) service experiences are included.
- Facials without Machines
- Facials with machines including LED Light Therapy, Microdermabrasion, Vacuum, Brush, High Frequency, Galvanic, Steam, Dermawave, Hot & Cold Hammer, Electro-Disiccating Skin Spot Remover, Ultrasonic Massage Probes, Ultrasonic Cellulite Treatment, Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber, Micro-current Magic Gloves.
- Skin Analysis with Skin Care Protocols
- Acne Techniques
- Chemical Peels (TCA, Alpha, Beta, Jessner, Lactic, Tri-Peel) with Certification OPPORTUNITY
- Paramedical Makeup Camouflage Techniques
- Intro to Medical Grade Equipment
- Intro to Permanent Makeup
- Body Wrapping with Certification and state licensing OPPORTUNITY
- Intro to Eyelash Extensions
- Facial Lymphatic Drainage with Certification OPPORTUNITY
- Hair Removal: hard wax, cold wax, strip waxing, threading, sugaring and tweezing. Speed techniques
- Field Trip to Medical Clinic and/or Medispa
- Pre- and Post-Op Esthetic Care
- Advanced Skin Theory
- Cellulite Therapy
- Product Chemistry
- Aromatherapy
- Business Aspects of Working with Doctors
- Hair Removal includes Soft and Hard Waxing
- Makeup - both Basic and Advanced
- Color Analysis
- Advanced Camouflage Makeup with professional Kryolan makeup
- Students learn to analyze a client's face, perform salon and spa treatments (Glycolic, Hydrating, Oxygenating, Vitamin Therapy, Dry Skin, Acne, etc.), and prescribe home care.
- Instructors have received advanced training from the International Dermal Institute, Syence, Sonage, and Sonitas
- Introduction to Hormones and the Skin, Skin Cancer awareness, Pharmacology, Medical Terminology, Botanicals and other extras are included.
- A makeup/color analysis center, a professional facial clinic complete with hydraulic facial beds, a body wrap room with shower, a separate classroom, and a private waxing room are used by students.
- Machines and Training for Specialized Treatments: , LED light therapy, DermaWave, Herbal Ozone Aromatherapy Facial Steaming, Galvanic, Micro-current Magic Gloves, High Frequency, Massage Brush, Vacuum Extractor, Spray Diffuser, Ultrasonic Massage Probes, Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber, Hot & Cold Hammer, Electro-Disiccating Skin Spot Remover, Wood's Lamp, and Magnifying Lamps
- Microdermabrasion with Crystals and Diamond Tips, both Basic & Advanced with Certification Opportunity
- Hot Stone Spa Techniques
- DermaWave Ultrasound and Electrostem Equipment and esthetic training
- Training with Micro-current Magic Gloves
- Ultrasonic Massage Probes
- Hot & Cold Hammer
- Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber
- Electro-Disiccating Skin Spot Remover
- LED light therapy

Esthetics is a Great Career Choice
LORAINES ACADEMY offers full-service training beyond the basics, including a large and active clinic for supervised experience with the public. Frequent professional seminars and demonstrations by guest artists are held. Our library features a full selection of videos, books, and current trade publications on every subject. We feature a large retail center with related product knowledge classes.
Clinical Skin Care:
Gainful Employment:
The United States Department of Education has required that any institution that provides programs that lead to “Gainful Employment in a Recognized Occupation” must provide certain information to prospective students, effective July 1, 2011. The rules require that a percentage be calculated for students who graduate within the "normal" time listed for the program...which amounts to full time or a minimum of 24 hours/week. This means that none of our night students are counted as successfully completing in "normal time," for instance...nor are students who need to ask for part time schedules or take leaves of absence in order to juggle family and job obligations.
Gainful Employment Information
Placement Rate Methodology
Placement is calculated by our Accrediting Agency (NACCAS) methodology as institutional reporting. The data is reported for students “scheduled to graduate” in a certain calendar year. Of those students who graduated, it is determined how many are eligible for placement. Of those, students may count as placed if documentation is obtained to prove they have become employed in a field for which their training prepared them, prior to the submission of the report. The exceptions are for those who are deceased, permanently disabled, deployed for military duty, studied under student visa and ineligible for employment in the US, or continuing their education at an institution under the same ownership.
Career Placement:
We have a strong relationship with our local salons and they want to meet our students even before you graduate. There is a dramatic shortage of Facial Specialists, Nail Technicians, Stylists, Massage Therapists and other salon professionals, offering a very unique industry opportunity with "Zero Unemployment". Whether it is a new first career option or a mid-life career change, there are many, many more Career openings than there are licensed graduates to fill these openings.
Standard day schedules are 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday - Friday. Evening Classes meet 5:30 to 9:30 pm Monday - Friday. Completing the program and preparing for licensure will take, for instance, 20 weeks on a 30 hour per week schedule or 30 weeks on a 20 hour per week schedule.
Housing is not provided by the school. There are plenty of apartments and rooms to rent nearby, with easy access to public transportation. We will be happy to assist out-of town students in their selection of a suitable place to stay.
No State Exam is Required!
The school admits as regular students:
- High School graduates
- Holders of GED's
- 17 Years of Age
Program Price - Go to: Clinical Skin Care Program Price
Clinical Skin Care Kit - Go to: Program Kit List
Class Dates: Call or e-mail us for day or evening dates.
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